Dos gatos y Layka, Videos más vistos, Nº1. Most Viewed N1º

Es una selección de los videos más vistos en dos semanas y que cuenta los momentos divertidos y emocionantes de la vida de Barsik y Rizhik y la perrita Laykaen que he podido observar y grabar en videos cortos que se publicaron como Shorts. En dichos Shorts se ha utilizado la siguiente música que se conserva en la recopilación de títulos y enlaces al final de esta descripción. It is a selection of the most viewed videos in two weeks and tells of the funny and exciting moments in the life of Barsik and Rizhik and Laykaen the dog that I have been able to observe and record in short videos that were published as Shorts. The following music has been used in these Shorts, which is preserved in the collection of titles and links at the end of this description. Rema- Calm Down Yesterday The Beatles Lyriks Funny Song, Cavendish Music - Tema
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