10 EASY Skate Tricks AFTER You Can Ollie! (INTERMEDIATE)
Here’s 10 super easy skate tricks that anyone can learn AFTER you learn how to ollie!
These are going to be the tricks that I used for when I started skateboarding. The tricks that helped me to build the confidence to learn how to learn how to kick flip, and do any of the much harder tricks.
These tricks will set the foundation for all your other tricks, and your comfortability and balance in general. So if you want to get better, give these a try, and challenge your friends to a game of skate!
Have fun, keep shredding, and share this with your friends who are just getting started!
9 days ago
0:45 - Pop Shuv it
1:30 - Frontside 180
2:20 - Backside 180
3:10 - Frontside Pop Shuv it
3:58 - Fakie Ollie
3:56 - Fakie Pop Shuv/ Fakie Fs Pop shuv/Fakie Bs 180/ Fakie Fs 180
5:24 - Kickflips/Heelflips
6:48 - Fakie Bigspin
7:20 - Nollie Shuv-it
Thank you everybody so much for watching!
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