Assassin’s Creed Villains Described in One Word #assassinscreed #haythamkenway #villain #ac
Assassin’s Creed Villains are all over the place but today I thought I would try to describe every main-line Villain with one word. Let me know how I did and put your ideas about what word you would use to describe Haytham Kenway, Al Mualim, Rodrigo and Cesare Borgia or even Crawford Starrick. Any suggestions on videos you want me to do in the future let me know down below in the comment section as well.
Robert de Sable - Manipulative
Al Mualim - Hypocrit
Rodrigo Borgia - Slimey
Cesare Borgia - Arrogant
Prince Ahmet - Weak
Charles Lee - Suck-up
Haytham Kenway - Smart
Bartholomew Roberts - Crazy
Achilles Davenport - Reckless
François-Thomas Germain - Absent
Maxwell Roth - Unhinged
Crawford Starrick - Cartoonish
Flavius Metellus - Who?
Cleopatra - Betrayer
Julius Caesar - Pompous
Aspasia - What?
Deimos - Indoctrinated
King Alfred - Cunning
Basim - Two-faced
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