Stonewall Pride Parade | Wilton Manors 2022 | We Say Gay!

#husbands #prideparade We attended the 2022 Stonewall Pride Parade and Street Festival in Wilton Manors/Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Saturday June 18th. This was the 1st parade since 2019 and an estimated forty to forty five thousand people were along Wilton Drive this year. The overall rallying cry for this year was “We Say Gay“ and as a happily married gay couple we proudly SAY GAY! HAPPINESS IS A LIFESTYLE! WRITE TO US: Gio and JC PO Box 1075 Dania Beach, FL 33004 MUSIC: WANT TO BUY US A CUP OF COFFEE? FIND US HERE TOO Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Photography -
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