How to Reduce Estrogen Dominance

Are you dealing with symptoms of estrogen dominance such as bloating, breast tenderness, irregular cycles or moodiness? Wonder if your hormones are to blame for headaches, anxiety, increased belly fat or even hair loss? We’ll review what exactly estrogen dominance is, common symptoms, and 6 ways to reduce estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance is either the excess of estrogen circulating in the body or the dominance of estrogen due to insufficient countering hormones including progesterone for women and testosterone for men. This hormonal imbalance is especially common when dealing with rapid weight gain or weight loss, hormonal birth control use and exposure to toxins and endocrine disruptors and can impact women at any stage from cycling to menopausal as well as men. Learn about the symptoms and causes of estrogen dominance and how to reduce exposures in your day-to-day life. Plus we walk you through foods, supplements, and lifestyle recommendations. Skip to the following: 00:24 - W
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