Soul expressions: Artisan role | Creativity vs Destruction | Michael Teachings

Watch this quick overview to Artisan soul expression in Michael Teachings ;) Credits to Michael Teachings for the discovery. - - - Artisan- Singular Focus - Ordinal role Main theme: Creativity vs Destruction Focus: Originality Expression axis [manifesting inner world and bringing it into outer realm] Inputs: current reality, multiple background processes, creative exploaration, emotional connection, expression of beauty. Key Features: Artistry, discrimination, mysterious, self-conscious, conceit, originality, moody, involved, skeptical, romantic, soft eyes, pleading eyes, individualistic, soulful. Enneagram wise Artisan is the VA stereotype of 4 (on average 80% of Artisans tend to be 4) but you may be Artisan and not be 4 main. - - - You can find more info at... - Michael Teachings for theory: - Katherine Fauvre’s advanced course on visual archetypes to dig deeper on their detection: - - - EXEMPLARS OF ARTISANS: Artisan: Paul McCartney so 279 Artisan-Sage: Aubrey Plaza sp 683 Artisan-Warrior: Harvey Keitel sp 458 Artisan-Priest: Marilyn Manson so 468 Artisan-Priestess: Amy Adams sp 621 Artisan-King: L.A. Reid so 479 Artisan-Queen: - Artisan-Server: Diana Ross sx 468 Artisan-Scholar-Sage: Alessio David Ricioppo Parra (The Enneamentalist) sx 548 Honorable mention for secondary Artisan: Katherine Fauvre sx 874 Priestess-Artisan-Scholar Credits to Katherine Fauvre for tritype - - - Like, subscribe, share and comment - You help me, I help you. Would you like an enneagram personality profiling and/or dating coaching services? Check for more info Spread the word around and join my Patreon! #personality #spirituality #yoga #michaelteachings #artisan #soul #role #creativity #destruction #enneagram
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