Health and wealth videos - 7 Best Foods That Help To Reduce The Risks Of Having Stroke!!!

The food items listed below will go a long way in helping mankind to lower the risks of having stroke. They include: 1. Onions It contains a powerful antioxidant known as Dietary flavonol which is capable of lowering considerably the risk of having stroke. Inclusion of onions in your meals saves you from some inestimable risks. 2. Red wine It contains a form of antioxidant known as resveratrol, renowned for its ability to lower the risk of having stroke. You can eat red grapes to get some amount of Resveratrol or take one glass of red wine a day. 3. Oatmeal Is a whole grains meal which became popular after being discovered to be able to lower risks of having stroke by some prominent Health Institutions. 4. Salmon It is a brand of fish that is very rich in vitamin D and is very good for your brain, bones and muscles. Vitamin D is prominent in promoting osteo-protective, neuromuscular and neuro-protective functions relating to the brain and other vital parts of the body 5. Dry B
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