KLEINS - CBT China Gameplay Android APK iOS

KLEINS - CBT China Gameplay Android APK iOS 環行旅舍 - 策略塔防遊戲中國封測試玩 Android APK iOS | 肯魚 “KLEINS“ is a 3D real-time strategy tower defense game. You will start an unprecedented adventure in the near-future fantasy world-the planet “Cosmore“. =3D real-time strategy game= “KLEINS“ has a wealth of strategic gameplay, and different combinations can collide with multiple ideas to solve the problem. According to the location reached, each chapter is set with different terrains, mobs with special forces, and bosses with different mechanisms. The guides have more space to display their talents, and the roommates who lead Kleinshe flexibly use their abilities to win the final victory. = Exquisite details, beautiful presentation = You can follow the course of [KLEINS] and enjoy the scenery of the planet Cosmore, the magnificent Utoria, the mysterious town of Delphi... Each level has rich landform features. Explore the cabin environment of [KLEINS] as you like, 3D full-view cartoon rendering, exquisite picture quality presentation, and deeply experience the strange scenery of the fantasy land. = Exclusive room, warm interaction = During the trip, you will meet roommates with different identities and outstanding abilities. On [KLEINS], you can visit the private dormitory rooms of your roommates, have intimate interactions, and unlock more special plots. There will be different exclusive furniture in the room, the ambient lighting can be switched at will, and various interactive contents are waiting to be explored. The other side of the roommates after the battle will be shown sincerely after the heart is conveyed... =Go forward bravely, start an adventure= The mysterious disappearance of the former guide [Garcia], the worries of the sister [Luhini], the strange dreams that troubled [you], everything and all the mysteries make this journey dangerous; you will be responsible for the role of [guide], Deal with various forces, get their help, solve obstacles on the journey, and explore the truth hidden behind... 【CBT】4/18 ~ 5/2 【Size】 【Android】 【iOS】 【APK】 【Official】 【Play on PC】 【Twitter】 【Facebook】 【VK】 #KLEINS #環行旅舍 #Kenyugames ©BINGKOLO
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