THE SIGHTS OF SPACE: A Voyage to Spectacular Alien Worlds

Support my work: Soundtrack: If you could visit anywhere in the galaxy, where would you go? Meet the Navis III: An imaginary ship that will take you anywhere in the Milky Way. Its maiden voyage will send you on a tour of the wildest planets humanity has yet discovered: worlds that defy belief, from planetary oases to scorching hot gas giants with clouds made of metal. This interstellar journey will give us a glimpse into how deep nature’s imagination goes…. and blaze a path for future pioneers, who might one day plant their flags on landscapes we can hardly imagine. ---- Story, visual e...ffects, music & Sound by melodysheep (John D. Boswell) Narrated by Matt Klinman Soundtrack coming soon to all major music platforms. ADDITIONAL VISUALS BY ESO/Exeter/ Kraus et al./L. Calcada NASA Tim Stupak 3D MODELS : Unknown Dino Raoul Marks Kitbash 3D Quixel Megascans SUPPORTERS Juan Benet Matthew Brown Morrison Waud Zeus Kontoyannis Naomi Augustine SPECIAL THANKS TO Pablo Carlos Budassi Hexeract Franck Marchis Holly Boswell My Patreon Supporters ADDITIONAL WRITING & RESEARCH BY John Morrison Instagram: @melodysheep_ Twitter: @musicalscience Special thanks to my $50 Supporters: Alexander Koch Stratozfearz Justin Walsh Caleb Braun Joshyori Adrien Moulin Kailen Huse David August Jeremiah Tims Joan Miguel Klagges David Balland Michael Denny Gayathri Baskaran Casey Stratton Logan Caleb Levesque Jose Contreras Greysen Paige Derick Yan Brandon Sanders Oliver Wieting And an extra thank you to my $10 supporters -- too numerous to list in the description -- The scenes in this film are speculative depictions based on current scientific understanding. Extensive creative license has been used. Research sources coming soon.
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