DOOM - Mission 3: Foundry 100% Walkthrough - ALL SECRETS/COLLECTIBLES & CHALLENGES
DOOM - Mission 3: Foundry 100% Walkthrough - ALL SECRETS/COLLECTIBLES & CHALLENGES
4:57 - Three Possessed, One Barrel: Kill 3 of The Possessed with one Explosive Barrel.
0:46, 4:20 & 5:25 - Curb Stomp: Perform 3 “Death From Above“ Glory Kills on Possessed Soldiers (attack from above).
Quite the Collector: Find 2 Collectibles.
00:08 - Field Drone
00:20 - Data Log #1 - Foundry Team Manifest (Environments - Foundry)
00:56 - Elite Guard #1
01:09 - Secret #1
- 1:30 - Arm Required for