WHEN I’M FEELING LONELY by Trace Moroney ~ Kids Book Storytime, Kids Book Read Aloud, Bedtime Story

WHEN I’M FEELING LONELY by Trace Moroney ~ Kids Book Storytime, Kids Book Read Aloud, Bedtime Story Hello my readings’ friends, Welcome to Tic Tac Taught Storytime with Steffi. In today’s book the little rabbit will tell us what it is like to feel lonely. Let us learn about the feeling lonely and how to handle it as we read When I’m Feeling Lonely. Get this book at Amazon Store: You can support the authors and publishers of this amazing book by purchasing a copy. Make your home library and fill the full experience by holding an actual book and turning its pages. Thank you very much for watching! Please subscribe to stay up-to-date on the latest video. Subscribe here: To connect more with us: #tictactaught #whenimfeelinglonely #readaloud #kidsbooksreadaloud #kidsbookstorytime #storytime #bedtimestory #kidsbooks
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