The Nazi Plan AKA Nazi Rise To Power (1920-1929)

Unused / unissued material - no paperwork - dates unclear or unknown. Title reads: “The Nazi Plan.“ Intertitle reads: Part I - The Rise Of The NSDAP - 1921 - 1933“ Intertitle reads: “Alfred Rosenberg Describes The Early Nazi Struggles For Power“ CU Swastika flag. CU Adolf Hitler. CU NSDAP flag. Early film (Possibly Hitler in parade in 1922). Joseph Goebbels addresses early Nazi rally. Hitler arrives at Rally. Goebbels talking. Brown shirts on the march. Riots in the streets. Various German Newspaper headlines. Nazi’s on the march. Goebbels at desk. Brown shirts entering Reichstag. Inte...rtitle reads: “Reichsparteitag Nurnberg 1927“. Brownshirts marching in streets. Hitler and fellow Nazis. Intertitle reads: “Deutschland erwache!“ Nazi with flag. Hitler and Goebbels to camera. Intertitle reads: “Julius Streicher“. CU of the Nazi journalist and politician. Intertitle reads: “Auch die ubrigen Fuhrer begrussen die Ankommenden“. Hitler and other politicians gather on steps of building. Hitler gets into c
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