Severed - PROMO 2023

- Death Metal/Hardcore - USA (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) - Release date: August 8th, 2023 1. Intro 00:00 2. Bleeding 01:38 3. Doubt 04:37 Bandcamp: ✔ Bleeding I can’t believe That I haven’t stopped Bleeding All this hate and hurt Has been preserved Within my heart Resentment Fucking consuming me I want to see you in some fucking pain Twist the knife Feel my hate Twist the knife Feel my pain I’ll show no mercy Fuck you For all the wrong you’ve dealt I’ll show no mercy I’ll drag you To the depths of hell Let the toxic blood drain from my heart Let my fucking pain Tear you Apart ✔ Doubt I feel my soul fucking melting within my skin The weight of my decisions is finally setting in I fucking hate the way I am I ruin every chance that I get How much longer can I swallow my doubt Before I load the mag and blow my fucking brains out? End it all and let it fade to black Or am I a coward for questioning that? I just need to change The self loathing is fucking deranged I swear I’m trying But I can’t help but to feel like dying I have nothing left to lose Tie the fucking noose Hang me out to dry No more tears to cry Severed #death #metal #newrelease #promo2023 #hardcore #deathmetalpromotion #deathmetalchannel #severedband #metalmusic #usdm #newep #Milwaukeehc @BChaosdeathmetal
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