Rex Curry’s work exposes Francis Bellamy salute & Pledge of Allegiance

Rex Curry discoveries are cited in the book “Lies My Teacher Told Me“ by the author Micky Barnetti. Included are these shockers: (1) that the “Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag“ was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior; (2) that the military salute was the origin of the Nazi salute (via the military salute’s use in the original Pledge of Allegiance) and; (3) Swastikas represented crossed “S“ letter shapes for “socialist“ under Hitler. At amazon At kindle The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the Nazi salute (and the swastika -although an ancient symbol- was used to represent crossed S-shapes for “socialism“ under the National Socialist German Workers Party). Francis Bellamy (cousin of author Edward Bellamy) was a socialist in the Nationalism movement and authored the Pledge of Allegiance (1892), the origin of the stiff-armed salute adopted much
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