Resident Evil 3 Trial Edition - Beta Items (one of them is *USABLE* )
This video was made to show you all of the beta items that can be hacked into your inventory using a gameshark device. I’ve seen many videos showing some of them, but none showing ALL of them.
Resident Evil 3 Trial Edition (USA) gameshark codes that I used:
Slot 1 Item Modifier: 300CF31C 00??
Slot 2 Item Modifier: 300CF320 00??
Slot 3 Item Modifier: 300CF324 00??
Slot 4 Item Modifier: 300CF328 00??
Slot 5 Item Modifier: 300CF32C 00??
Slot 6 Item Modifier: 300CF330 00??
Slot 7 Item Modifier: 300CF334 00??
Slot 8 Item Modifier: 300CF338 00??
where ?? are digits:
2C - Red Coin (people refer to them as emblems, but they have a “coin“ engraved on them)
2D - Yellow Coin
2E - Blue Coin
30 - Giga Oil
35 - Firehose without Adaptor
3E - Firehose Adaptor
3B - Chain
49 - Remote Without Batteries
4B - Batteries
53 - Non-Equippable Handgun, there are 6 of them
76 - Beta Keys
71 - Dummy Key (Spade Key From Rsident Evil 2)