
App - Shopping Cart System Retrieve & Display user Cart Items, Clear Cart\ 16:43 Retrieve & Display user Cart items with Quantity Numbers 44:03 Clear Cart and Implement some Validations 1:08:09 Calculate overall Total Price & Display Total Price using Provider App - Select Shipment Address, Save New Shipment Address\ 1:29:35 Shipment Address Screen ui 1:42:14 Save new Shipment Address Screen ui 2:08:24 Get user Location automatically using GeoCoding GeoLocator 2:20:44 Save new Shipment Address to Firestore Database 2:34:30 Address Design Widget Implementation 2:56:13 Read and Display user Saved Shipment Addresses and allow user to choose one 3:08:56 Display user Location on Google Maps App - allow user to Place Order\ 3:21:51 Place Order Screen ui 3:31:44 Place Order and save Order Info to Firestore Database App - Check my My Orders - Fixing Bugs on Cart Screen\ 3:53:37 Implement Order Card and Placed Orders Design Widget 4:06:22 Retrieve and Display my Orders - Fixing Bugs 4:43:47 Check Order Details [display order status - shipment address - order time date] App - Rider DashBoard - Display New Orders to Riders\ 5:30:41 Rider Dashboard ui 5:50:34 Display new Orders for Riders App - Rider Confirm to Deliver user’s Order - Pickup Parcel\ 6:15:04 Confirm to Deliver this Order 6:27:43 Rider Confirmed Order for Delivery and Maintain Status - Parcel Pickup App - Rider Confirmed Order has been Picked from Seller CafeRestaurant\ 6:42:36 Implement Shipment Screen ui - Parcel in Progress Screen 6:58:52 Show Location on Map, Draw Route from rider Current Location to seller Location 7:12:20 Confirmed Parcel has been Picked from Seller CafeRestaurant App - Rider confirm Parcel has been Delivered to user Location - Part 1\ 7:29:42 Confirm Parcel has been Delivered - part 1 App - payPerDeliveryAmount, Calculate & Update Rider and Seller earnings\ 7:47:11 Pay Per Parcel Delivery Amount 7:54:04 Get Order Total Amount 7:57:14 Calculate and Update New Total Earnings for a Seller 8:02:37 Calculate and Update New Total Earnings for Rider app - Rider Confirm Parcel has been Delivered to user Location - Part 2\ 8:07:40 Riders app - Rider Confirm Parcel has been Delivered to user Location - Part 2 App - Implementing the History Screen & Total Earnings Screen\ 8:23:53 history screen 8:27:27 total earnings App - Allow a Seller to Delete Menu & Delete item\ 8:37:23 allow a seller to delete menu 8:47:19 allow a seller to delete item App - Display New Orders, History of Orders & sellers’s Total Earnings\ 9:01:16 implement and display new orders 9:18:51 implement and display history of orders 9:24:20 implement and display total earnings App - Orders History and Add new Shipment Address from Nav Drawer\ 9:30:54 orders history 9:35:48 add new address using nav drawer option App - Search Restaurants Cafes\ 9:37:52 implement search app bar on search screen 9:43:31 implement search query 9:50:58 display search results WEB Portal - Create & Setup a new Flutter Web Project\ 9:58:16 Create & Setup a new Flutter Web Project WEB Portal - Implement Home Page Admin Dashboard\ 10:03:45 display live time on website with flutter 10:20:27 set appbar with gradient custom colors 10:24:33 admin dashboard WEB Portal - Connect Website with Firebase & Login Admin\ 10:40:48 Admin Login Page Ui 11:03:20 How to connect Web App with Firebase 11:09:38 Authenticate Admins - Save admins records in Database 11:17:22 Allow admin to Login - Check if admin details correct & if admin record exists 11:41:37 SignOut admin and Check if admin already Logged-in WEB Portal - Admin Block & UnBlock users Accounts\ 11:46:01 Display AppBar on Verified users accounts Web Page 11:54:44 Display Verified Users Accounts to Admin
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