Russians: about the holodomor
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0:00 - Boris
0:24 - Sergay, 18
0:48 - Vyacheslav, 30, Works in real estate
1:03 - Nikolai, 58, Airport worker
1:18 - Anatoliy, 62
1:44 - Roman, 87
2:00 - Sergay, 75
2:32 - Vyacheslav, 30, Works in real estate
3:10 - Sergay, 18
3:54 - Vasiliy
4:37 - Aleksandr, 81, Scientist
5:22 - Matvei
5:56 - Aleksandr, 81, Scientist
6:17 - Nikolai, 58, Airport worker
6:30 - Dmitriy, 41
6:50 - Ilya, 21, Manager