High resolution and stereo sound:
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Jesu, rex admirabilis
Spiritual madrigal for 3 voices
In this recording:
The Monteverdi Choir,
John Eliot Gardiner
Soli Deo Gloria, 2006
Recorded in Gospel Oak, London, 6-8 May, 2005
A review about the recording:
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1526-) was an Italian composer of the Renaissance. He was the most famous sixteenth-century representative of the Roman School of musical composition. Palestrina had a vast influence on the development of Roman Catholic church music, and his work can be seen as a summation of Renaissance polyphony.
Latin Text:
Jesu, rex admirabilis
et triumphator nobilis,
dulcedo ineffabilis,
totus desiderabilis,
mane nobiscum, Domine,
et nos illustra lumine,
pulsa mentis caligine,
mundum reple ducedine.
Translation (by Philip Ford):
Jesus, wondrous king
and noble conqueror,
ineffable delight,
wholly to be desired,
remain with us, Lord,
dispel the darkness of our minds
and enlighten us with your light,
fill the world with your sweetness.