Shaykh Maulana Nazim Kibrisi: International Islamic Unity Conference (1 of 2)

-- 2nd International Islamic Unity Conference Sheikh Maulana Nazim Kibrisi Naqshbandi speaking at a conference in Washington, DC. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim says that Allah is One and loves for everyone to be in unity. However, since the ending of the Ottoman Empire/khilafat that unity has ended and now there are multiple Muslim states- each going their own direction. To reach unity one must love Allah. To love Allah one must obey and love the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s). You may see Sheikh Abdul Kerim Kibrisi behind Sheikh Maulana and the president of Ichkeria Chechnya, Aslan Maskhadov, who has since been martyred. [August 1998] Part 1 of 2
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