THE BLIND IDIOT GOD | Lovecraftian Prog Metal | Seth Angerer

The Blind Idiot God is a progressive metal single inspired by the universe of H.P. Lovecraft. Intrigued to hear more? Check out my channel for more music and music related content: ► ► Download this song via Bandcamp: ► All other stores: Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music...: ························································································· The Blind Idiot God is a piece about a young man who, on a fateful day, wakes up from a dream that initially seems impenetrable to him: Fragments of a formless creature beyond space and time, skies being torn and warped by countless anomalies, shards of insane scriptures written on the walls of every building, creatures fluctuating in and out of existence - a dream that felt like months passing. After weeks of omitting the intake of food, the man died alone in his home. On every wall, he wrote which seems to be a mantra consisting of the words “Daganawi Haganyra”, repeated without intermission. Up to this day, nobody has been able to identify the language in which the scrawl was written in, let alone its meaning. ► You can read the song lyrics here: ································································································································· SETH ANGERER Progressive composer from Austria Official YouTube channel: ································································································································· © 2020 Seth Angerer ·································································································································
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