【尊き】日本の手作り学校給食 feat. 小学一年生の今!職人技 日本 大阪 和泉市 Japan’s handmade school lunch and today’s students
提供:「和泉市役所 いずみアピール課」
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Today’s video is a tie-up with the city of Izumi, Osaka Prefecture, which is known for its enthusiastic efforts in food education, in order to convey the “excellence of Japan’s handmade school lunches“!
I’ve always been interested in how school lunches are prepared, and what school life is like for the elementary school students at corona vortex.
The video itself was completed in January 2021, but due to the number of people involved and the time of year, it took a lot of time before the video was released.
Now that we’ve decided to release it, I’m hoping that many people will watch it!
I’d love to hear everyone’s honest comment.
Thanks always.
Friend “DELI BALI“
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