The sky has fallen on Brazil! Hurricane 170 km/h took people by surprise! Storm in Porto Alegre

The sky has fallen on Brazil! Hurricane 170 km/h took people by surprise! Storm in Porto Alegre A powerful hurricane has wreaked havoc on the streets and homes, leaving thousands without electricity and water in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul. The aftermath of the storm in Porto Alegre includes widespread power outages, broken windows, and doors, as well as fallen trees. The city’s infrastructure has been severely impacted, with residents grappling with the challenges of no access to essential services such as electricity and water. The hurricane’s force was felt across the region, leading to a surge in the number of schools affected, with damage reported in 20 municipal schools. Emergency response teams are working tirelessly to restore essential services and provide assistance to those affected by the hurricane’s destructive path. Residents are urged to exercise caution as they navigate the debris-laden streets. The community comes together as efforts intensi
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