Chen Style Tai Chi Old Frame ()
1. Tai Chi StartingPosture 2. Buddha’s Attendant Pounds the Mortar
3. Tucking in Robes 4. Tiger Returns to Mountain 5. Single Whip
6. Buddha’s Attendant Pounds the Mortar 7. White Goose Spreads Wings
8. Grab the Knee and Twisted Step 9. Diagonal Step Single Whip 10. Apparent Closing
11. Block the Knee Twist Step 12. Shadow Hammer
13. Buddha’s Attendant Pounds the Mortar14. Leaning Body Punch
15. Shoulder Strike 16. Blocking the Groin 17. Rely on Fist Under Elbow
18. Slide Back and Whirl Arms 19. Shoulder Strike 20. Hidden HandPunch
21. Tiger Returns to Mountain 22. Single Whip 23. Clouds Hands
24. High Pat on Horse 25. Separate Legs, right 26. Separate Legs, left
27. Blow the Ears with Both Hands 28. Kick with Left Heel
29. Wade Forward and Twist Step 30. Punch Downward
31. Flip the Body and Double Skip Flying Kick 32. Embrace the Moon
33. Tornado Kick34. Blow the Ears with Both Hands35. Kick with RightHee
1 view
1 year ago 00:04:13 1
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陳式太極老架Chen Style Tai Chi Old Frame ()
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1 Первая форма Чэнь ши Тайцзи цюань yi lu 89 полностью