Dr. Jerry Tennant: Healing as Voltage | EU2017

In this re-release of his EU2017 Conference presentation, Dr. Jerry Tennant explains how the cells in our body require a proper level of voltage to function optimally for a healthy mind/body connection and balanced physiological state. Cells possess a resting membrane potential—an electrical voltage measured in millivolts (mV) that spans the outer membrane due to differences in the distribution of ions inside and outside the cell. The primary ions involved are sodium (Na ), potassium (K ), calcium (Ca2 ), and chloride (Cl-). These ions (charged particles) play vital roles in bioelectric cell signaling, muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and enable the organs to self-repair and heal the body. The optimal voltage range depends on the type of cell and its function. Most cells resting membrane potential is between -40 to -90 mV. Jerry Tennant, M.D.—a board certified Ophthalmologist—was the founder/director of the Dallas Eye Institute. He holds patents for medical devices, surgica
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