Birch vs Maple vs Mahogany vs Poplar vs Walnut in a 12x8 tom drum. - Wood configuration comparison.

Subscribe! (Also all these are for sale at the moment, these very shells, pre drilled, no hardware). 0:09 maple 0:18 birch 0:26 mahogany/poplar/mahogany 0:35 maple/poplar/maple 0:42 maple/poplar/maple RE rings 0:50 walnut/maple/walnut Snare Wires off 0:58 maple 1:06 birch 1:14 mahogany/poplar/mahogany 1:22 maple/poplar/maple 1:30 maple/poplar/maple RE rings 1:37 walnut/maple/walnut It was all recorded through a Focusrite Clarett. 2 KSM137 as overheads. 1 SM57 on the tom. No Eq or Compression whatsoever. Batter head tuning was exactly 147 hz on all tests. Bottom head was 193 hz on all the tests. The heads used where the very same, not just the same model. All hardware is from Drum Factory Direct.
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