Castle and Beckett | Can’t Pretend (HBD to me!)

It’s almost my birthday, and this is my gift to myself (and you)! 😄 Please watch in 720 and with headphones! Apologies for the big watermark, but it hides the network logos! I recently picked up all 8 seasons of Castle at the library and binged it in a couple of weeks. I knew I had to make a video for these two--they’re just adorable! And this is my current favorite song, so I figured “what the heck?“ and got to it. I’m sorry I haven’t been posting many edits recently; I’m back at work and that’s taking up my time (but hey, money!). I wanted to make this one extra special, though, so I put a lot of energy into it. I know this show’s been off the air for a few years now, but I hope what remains of the Castle & Caskett fandom enjoys this video! #Caskett #Castle #Fanvidfeed ____________________________ Fandom: Castle Pairing: Rick Castle and Kate Beckett (Caskett) Software: SVP 17 Coloring: Mine Song: Social:
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