Atomy Alaska E-Omega 3, Product Intro by Angela Yoo, SRM Atomy Canada
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Atomy Alaska E-Omega 3
Refined fish oil extracted from clean area Alaska. Contains Vitamin E and Tumeric oil which helps prevent oxidation
High purity refinement technology for over 65% EPA/DHA
ALASKA E-OMEGA3 애터미 알래스카 01-2011713
Small soft gels of 550mg make swallowing easy
28 EPA & DHA 700mg 887234560mg x 1800 1999
Take the recommended daily requirement of Omega 3 with just 2 soft gels once a day
Product Summary
High Quality EPA & DHA 700mg Helps support a healthy heart and may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Ingredients: Refined fish-oil (EPA and DHA 65%), D-a-tocopherol (VitaminE), Curcumd longa (Oil)
* Softgel ingredients: Gelatin (Pig Skin), Glycerin, D-sorbitol
Product Info
Extracted in Alaska
Clean Area Alaska Omega 3 Fast and clean transport from extraction in icy Alaska to refinement in Ohio, USA.
Quickly processed with oil, stored fresh with natural antioxidant, transported, Exclusive railroad, Refined in Ohio
The best quality product received directly from the manufacturer
We are able to provide your essential nutrition at the best quality and price because we receive the concentrated Omega 3 directly from our manufacturer. Also, our ingredients are supplied from the warehouse in Ohio, USA.
Alaska Omega 3 is produced from fish.
Alaska Omega 3 uses Alaska Pollack, a polar fish in Alaska, as the primary species, and is produced in high purity at a hygienic facility
Production Process
Esterification: Segmentalization of fish oil Triglyceride with ethyl ester.
Fresh Refinement: Separation of EPA&DHA, and concentration from other lipid.
Cold Extraction: Cold extraction and concentration of
Omega 3.
Packaging: Product is packaged under inert gas.
Filtering: Removal of PCB, organic chloride pollutants, and harmful heavy metal.
Molecular Distillation: Deodorization of fishy odour and taste, for a fresher oil.
High Quality Ingredients
* High Quality Ingredients
2 Capsules a day of 700mg clean area Alaska Omega-3, scientifically refined with over 65%
* Convenient Intake 550mg small capsule size makes swallowing easy for everyone, from young to old. Essential Health Functional Food The omega-3s in fish oil help support a healthy heart and may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
- 1 Intake: 2 soft gels (1,100mg)
– Ingredients and Content
EPA/DHA 65%-700mg in 2 soft gels
Vitamin E %
*EPA & DHA: Helps support a healthy heart and may reduce the risk of
coronary heart disease.
[id12844|*Vitamin] E:An antioxidant that is an essential nutrient for many cells, including heart muscle cells.
Health Info
Why do we need Omega-3?
Modern Lifestyle: Meat-centered eating habits, High-protein, high-fat, Stress, lack of exercise, drinking
Aging: Vein aging affecting condition of the blood
• EPA & DHA helps support a healthy heart and may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
DHA and EPA are often synthesized from a-linolenic acid within the ’body, but the % of them converting into DHA and EPA is only 10-15% for adults and 3-6% for children.
Unsaturated fatty acid must be consumed through an external source
Unsaturated fat vs. Saturated fat Omega-3 provides unsaturated fat necessary for our body.
Unsaturated Fat (EFA)
- Protects the vein Needs to be consumed externally, due to lack of internal synthesis
- Liquid in room temperature
- Sesame oil, perilla oil, canola oil, Omega-3, etc
Neutral Fat
. Generally understood fat
. When left over fat is stored in our body, they are stored in the form of neutral fat
- Protects the internal organs but increases risk of vascular disease when Hyper-accumulated
X This neutral fat can be divided in large to unsaturated and saturated fat
Saturated Fat
· Animal fat
. Overconsumption increases bad Cholesterol
. Solid state in room temperature
• Pork fat, butter, palm oil
Recommended for the following people
- If you want to improve neutral lipid, a cause for blood vessel damage
- If you want to maintain and improve your health, and a more vital life
- If you need to supplement unsaturated fat
- If you lack fish consumption
- Middle-aged to aged people who need circulation improvement
- Office workers who consume excessive saturated fat due to meat-cantered eating and events
- Teenagers and children who eat a lot of fast food
- Teenagers and students who spend a lot of time sitting on a desk
- Busy people with worrisome vascular health
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