He was a laughing stock. Now enemies pee their pants at the sight of him. LUIGI NUMBER 1!
iTunes: Spotify:
One juuuuump,
3, 2, 1, power up,
One jump, one blow, one clean K.O.,
Goombas, boos and koopa troopers. you know that you’re gonna die,
Chapeau bestowed moustachio,
Hero in green. tall, fit and lean. whooooa,
Designed as a sideline. got it all to prove and extra lives,
No rescue job is too big or too small,
Fighting foes in green hat and overalls,
He rose,
To fortune, forging his own rightful game franchise,
Now you know his name,
Kills ghosts,
He battled through an army of undead,
Fighting for the freedom of his kindred,
He shows,
No mercy, he crushes your soul with his cold dead stare,
For recognition he roooooose,
Vacuum cleaners he knoooooows,
A green with dungarees psycho heroooo,
Original concept by Tom Jenkins
Storyboard by Tom Jenkins & Twisted Grim
Animated By Twisted Grim
Music composed by Joe Simmons AKA Gizmode
Vocals by Piotr Galiński
Guitar by Mark Mckenzie
One Jump Man was created in reflection to the opening of One Punch Man. See Saitama replaced with famous Nintendo “NUMBER 2“ Luigi. Will Luigi finally be taken seriously? Or will Mario and the Goombas take Luigi on?
Luigi’s Nightmare
Wolfenstein 2: BJ and the Freedom Fighters
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Mashed end theme by: Liam Tate
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