The uses of PARA and POR in spanish | How to differentiate between them

Do you know how to differentiate between POR and PARA in Spanish?. In this video I will teach you the most common uses of these prepositions and I will provide you with lots of examples both in Spanish and English so that you can have a clear idea of WHEN and HOW you must use them. This is the seventh episode of a new series of videos on my channel called “Vamos al Grano“ which means let’s get to the point! In this new series of videos I will explain to you some key aspects of the Spanish grammar trying to address some of your questions. Everything explained in English so that you can understand better in case you are just starting to learn Spanish. The idea is provide you with a lot of examples in common contexts of our daily life so that you can start using what you learn here right away! If you are just starting to learn Spanish I recommend you to watch these videos too: ◾ The most basic phrases you need to start speaking Spanish
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