Lord Louis Mountbatten receives the American Legion of Merit (1946)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit On behalf of President Truman, American Ambassador Avrerill Harriman bestows the American Legion of Merit upon Lord Louis for outstanding services in the Allied cause Full Description: UNKNOWN: INT Earl Mountbatten of Burma (Lord Louis Mountbatten), Royalty; Ceremonies - Decorations; United States of America postwar, post-war, Louis Mountbatten, Admiral of the Fleet, peacetime, William Averell Harriman, honour, award Background: On behalf of President Truman, American Ambassador Avrerill Harriman bestows the American Legion of Merit upon Lord Louis for outstanding services in the Allied cause FILM ID: VLVA2OWM1XDZT4CQWX4C62EI0VZ1N To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive manag
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