Entry Into Brussels Aka Brussels Delivered! (1944)

Title reads: “Brussels Delivered!“ Belgium. Various shots of British Sherman tanks, troop carriers, jeeps and other army vehicles moving through village, the locals cheer and shakes hands of soldiers. A sign hangs from a house reading “Welcome to the liberators“, bunting and French and Belgium flags also decorate the villages. The convoy moves on past burning German vehicles. Various shots of civilians shaking their fists and shouting captured German soldiers. One German is weeping. M/S of Belgian civilians looking at dead body killed by Germans. Various shots of the convoy nearing centre of Brussels, crowds cheer from roadside. When in the city the thousands throng round and greet the liberators who include Belgian soldiers. M/S of members of the White Army, the Belgian resistance. More shots of allies being welcomed by joyous Belgians. One girl perches on army truck wearing soldier’s hat, she waves at crowd. Various L/S of the burning Palace of Justice. Various shots of civilians forming
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