8K Cyberpunk 2077: Photorealistic - Real Life Graphics Mod - Path Tracing Modded

As a massive, open-world RPG, from the very beginning, Cyberpunk 2077 was a fantastic showcase of how much a game can change thanks to ray tracing. Night City’s moody, neon-soaked streets are a true feast for the eyes, and details like puddles with highly realistic reflections add an entirely new dimension to exploring its every corner. Regardless of the time of day or the weather conditions, ray tracing has transformed the face of the dark future. Shadows cast by objects became sharper and more realistic, while reflections on glass, metal, water, and more accurately bounced light. In short, immersion reached a previously impossible level — but certainly not the highest it can go. AI comes to the rescue with DLSS 3.5 (Deep Learning Super Sampling), a technology that, depending on the accompanying series of NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPUs, can almost quadruple the number of frames in Cyberpunk 2077. I am using RTX 4090 and Path Tracing Tweaks by increasing the number of Bounces and Rays. Additionally,
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