Silverwing: Handling Texture-Displacement in Octane PT1

MESSAGE: This week it’s out 101st tutorial and I thought let’s make it short and spicy again. I can’t believe that I actually never had a video dedicated to Displacement. This is all because it came up a couple of times lately and also my colleague Thomas thought it would be a good idea. So here it is. A rundown of things you need to know applying Displacement in Octane. What’s more to say then: Have fun and enjoy the show! DOWNLOAD: --------------------------------------------------- Download the Tut Scene by becoming a Patreon member. No matter what tier. PATREON: --------------------------------------------------- You can support me and the community by becoming a PATREON. This helps me to keep all my content free and accessible to everyone. Thank you so much for all my existing PATREONs for your generosity 🙏 FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: ---------------
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