Tungsten Fake Gold Coin - Ping Test

Tungsten Plated Gold Coins exist. The fake in this video was sold to a Coin Shop near me in a bulk deal. Unsuspecting pros can get tricked also. People have reported old style maples having very little to no ping. They’re rare, but they exist. If you have a no ping Maple, I highly suggest adding in some other tests. An N52 rare earth magnet would be a great place to start. A magnet slides down with an attractive force on Tungsten. A magnet slides down pure Gold similar to how it does down Silver. It does take some experience to see/feel the difference. If you’re not sure, tungsten will also fail a sigma test every time. I have read that tungsten fakes can pass the X-ray tests with a thick enough plating. In my opinion, if it doesn’t ping, there’s something wrong with it. But Gold is Gold, the choice is yours. Always use multiple testing methods. Weight Dimensions Magnet Ping # # #
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