Head of Budala Saints was Hidden in a Mosque Serving Water While Nobody Recognized His Status

They didn’t know he held secrets of the universe. They just saw him as an elderly man serving water to worshippers, and sometimes even ignoring him altogether. Q&A Chapters : 00:00 When the shaykh sparks the student to jump a ring from the atom, is there a recovery period? 10:50 What is the quickest way to shove our nafs (ego) off the chair especially when being bombarded with emotions and are all emotions nafsani (egocentric)? 17:58 If we do bad and preach love of Ahlul Bayt (Holy Family of Prophet ﷺ) and companions while doing it, how munafiq (hypocrite) is it and how to cure it? 23:28 What’s the reality of the number 6 in the 6 fastings of Shawwal? Does it relate to the 6 points of the star? 27:00 What are the best type of questions to ask to benefit the most from the time we have with you? Recorded : 20230427 The Muhammadan Way is home to world-renowned Sufi Muslim teacher Shaykh Nurjan, exploring traditional Islamic realities and sciences of the s
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