Поделки. Новая жизнь молотку! Old Hammer - Restoration and Customization

Restoration and customization of an old hammer which I bought at the fleamarket. I added some lines and painted it black to give it cool look. There I try to show all steps of restoration this old little hammer. 00:00 - observing the old hammer 00:08 - knocking out a wedge 00:22 - flat grinding the hammer head 01:06 - grinding the hammer 01:46 - grinding the pane 02:27 - making facets 03:04 - sanding hammer head 03:42 - cleaning hammer head hole 03:58 - applicate decorative lines 05:09 - etching the hammerhead 06:31 - setting the handle 07:11 - boiled oil application 07:35 - restored hammer o...verview Thanks for watching! Leave like, dont forget to subscribe if you enjoy watching. Please share this video with friends or anyone who might be interested!
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