This video introduces our rocket mass heater.
Imagine a sofa that turns sticks into cash. Sounds great, yes? This is even better. This eats sticks and cancels your heating bill.
Rocket mass heaters are the most effective heating systems available.
They’re more efficient than any conventional heating system, including heat pumps.
They never wear out.
They require no power.
They’re carbon neutral, even carbon negative.
They are the ultimate heating system for anyone wanting to live sustainably, anyone wanting to heat inexpensively, or anyone just wanting to work less.
We’ve had this heate
...r roughly a year, and it’s become the beating, roaring heart of our home.
The book (you definitely need this to build a heater)
The Rocket Mass Heater Builder’s Guide Complete Step-by-Step Construction, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Erica Wisner, Ernie Wisner
ISBN 9780865718234
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