101 (English&Scandinavian Subtitles) - Pontius Pilate asked the question: “What is Truth?“

101 - Guvernør Pontius Pilatus stilte spørsmålet: “Hva er sannhet?“ 101 - Pontíus Pílatus landstjóri spurði spurningarinnar: “Hvað er sannleikur?“ 101 - Kuvernööri Pontius Pilatus kysyi: “Mikä on totuus?“ 101 - Guvernör Pontius Pilatus ställde frågan: “Vad är sanning?“ 101 - Guvernør Pontius Pilatus stillede spørgsmålet: “Hvad er sandhed?“ WEB TRANSLATION : English Subtitles *** start of references and analyzes on 02/08/2022 Saul of Tarsus became in his own words “the apostle Paul“ and even later: “Saint Paul“ in the eyes of fervent religious! However, can we trust this gentleman who said of himself (that he was a fervent enemy of Christianity having miraculously changed sides by divine intervention on the road to Damascus)? : The legal requirements to be an apostle: Acts chapter 1: 15-26 Ephes
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