Model who jumped to her death from Wall St. building had flown on Epstein’s jet as a teen: court doc

A top model who jumped to her death from her Wall Street apartment building had previously been one of the teen girls flown to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, newly unsealed court documents show. Ruslana Korshunova — who featured in ads for Marc Jacobs, DKNY, Vera Wang and Nina Ricci perfume — was just 18 when she was a passenger on the since-deceased pedophile’s so-called Lolita Express on June 7, 2006, the Daily Mail first reported after the latest batch of documents were unsealed Thursday. The trip to Epstein’s Little St. James was almost exactly two years before the Kazakh-Russian beauty signed to IMG leaped to her death from her ninth-floor balcony. Her ex-boyfriend told The Post at the time that the model had problems that she kept “bottled up.” Korshunova’s trip to Epstein’s island was just weeks before the moneyman was arrested in 2006 and later convicted of sex with underage girls. Read more at #ruslanakorshunova #jeffreyepstein The New York Post is your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. Subscribe to New York Post Sports: Catch the latest news here: Follow The New York Post on: Twitter - Facebook -
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