How Much Does It Cost To Cycle Around The World (Shocking result comparing to Backpacking)

(To the point 02:45 ) Read it on my blog: -So how much money do you need to cycle the world? You need $300 USD minimum per month for mostly food and accommodation. That is 10$ a day, $3,600 a month. You need around $1,200 for tour, visa, maintain, transportation, insurance, and others. You need $5,000 a year minimum included flight to cycle on the one of three routes. -How about Initial purchase? If you don’t have any camping gear and bicycle, then you need to spend a minimum $2,000. I always think good camping gears are more important than expensive bicycle cause expensive camping gear can make your trip easier. But an expensive bicycle like costing $3,000 doesn’t change much. And this is not a race, so there is no point to cycle faster. If you have all gears already before starting, you might need to spend only $500 for extra stuff
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