What’s in the Latest US Arms Package + US Provocations vs Russia & China

Russian military operations in Ukraine US Escalation vs Russia & China continues... - Latest US arms package for Ukraine contains fewer actual weapons to be transferred to Ukraine, and more contracts for new weapons to be built; - Weapons like the ground-launched small diameter bomb is included in weapons yet-to-be-built and face compatibility issues with Ukraine’s existing MLRS force; - Other equipment listed like counter battery radar sets appear to indicate large numbers of losses to Russian military operations; - Germany’s decision to send 14 Leopard 2 tanks and 88 Leopard 1 tanks reveal a very deliberate invocation of Germany’s sordid history during WW2; - US weapons pouring into Ukraine are types unlikely to be used in a potential war Washington Seeks to provoke with China; - The “balloon“ incident represents a deliberate stepping stone toward war put in place by US leadership; References: US Department of Defense
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