thanks for watching :) send me an email if you want your clip removed, or I missed credit, or I mistakenly used without your permission. (videosunusual@) submit a clip: @uv videos used: building fireworks @festeinsicilia/video/7391103438358187297 tortilla slap fail @jackhardy1998/video/7395521346240793864 broke his brand new bow @amberleblanc127/video/7377540845710478597 phone throw into wall @dreamwalker12101/video/7390083600345025797 sink water lid @zeligbrown/video/7395367069996354822 guy slips into water @sergiogaxiolal/video/7392720579431861510 golf putt @golfbros96/video/73949...27208604650784 parrot sio @duckandnugget/video/7394784785530473774 rats play fighting @rats_are_pets_too/video/7382295489707789575 whip lady @thuydungmkt/video/7396194914415037717 pigeon festival girl @ curb jaw @andrewmaxxer/video/7395329220601302315 girl drops bagels airbag car guitar crash girl spills paint guy jumps into camera shopping cart window pool jump costco DJ guy filming through fence water DJ bendy bridge thing stall door breaks lot of people in a truck guy breaks wine glass cat meow falls over special K gracias guy breaks slide pot flips rock tiny truck guy punching falls over popcorn theatre loud bell ring @mariieett010 bull fence guy flips outro song
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