A few paintings and illustrations that were the covers of many great black metal albums:
Gustave Doré “Mary Magdalene Repentant” // Emperor, As The Shadows Rise (EP) [1994]
Gustave Doré, “Death on the Pale Horse“ // Emperor, Emperor (EP) [1993]
Peter Nicolai Arbo, “Åsgårdsreien” // Bathory, Blood Fire Death [1988]
Theodor Kittelsen, “Op Under Fjeldet Toner En Lur” // Burzum, Filosofem [1996]
Theodor Kittelsen, “Fattigmannen” // Burzum, Hvis lyset tar oss [1994]
Theodor Kittelsen, “Høstkveld” // Satyricon, Dark Medieval Times [Remastered 2021]
Marcel Roux, “L’aveugle” // Mgła, Exercises
...in Futility [2015]
⛧ Music used in this video ⛧
“Abyss” by TurboSol.
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