“Fire and Ice” produced by Abandon Visuals is the story of young car obsessed boy and his badass grandpa. Shot on a WEAPON with HELIUM 8K S35 sensor and Leica Summicron–C lenses, the short film showcases a young boy envisioning a car racing through the mountain roads as his grandpa reads him a story to him about fire, ice, and a beast that roams the lands.
Footage Licensing Inquires:
Production House: Abandon Visuals
Director and Producer: Jonny Mass
Cinematographer: Jared Fadel
Editor: Edward Khoma
Producer: Dustin Ljung
Associate Producer: Wil Prim
Sound Design: Bytheway-May
Music Composer: Julian Cisneros
Scoring Mixer: Steven Bolar
Voice Over: Bob Bavnani
CO3 Producer: Joel Signer
CO3 Production Coordinator: Tara Reeves
CO3 Senior Colorist: Tyler Roth
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