Period Drama - Animated Short Film

“Period Drama“ - Animated Short Film by Lauryn Anthony and Anushka Tina Nair When young Georgiana Crimsworth finds blood on her sheets and thinks she’s dying, she spirals into fear imagining what’s going to happen to her body. Instagram - Letterboxd - IMDB - Produced at Ringling College of Art and Design by Lauryn Anthony Instagram: @laalu_art Twitter: @LaaluArt Website: Anushka Tina Nair Instagram: @ Website: Music & Sound by AudioBrew IG: @weareaudiobrew Music by Amanda Duran IG: @composer_amandaduran Music Production by Adam Traister IG: @adamtraister Supervising Sound Editor - Kokoy Amante IG: @kokoyamante Dialogue Editor - Richard Adams IG: @richarddougla
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