Easy and nice spotting at IPF Worlds 2013

Russian remake of the nice IPF video about spotters’ work. IPF Classic World Championships 2013, Suzdal, Russia There were 5 spotters who knew how to spot. Moreover they all are lifters with quite good results. Sports ranks of the spotters and their best results in 2013: (MS - Master of Sports, CMS - candidate to Master of Sports) 1. CMS, 270-150-240 kg, equipped, junior 2. CMS. 260-160-260 kg. equipped, junior 3. MS, 265 kg bench press, RAW, open class 4. MS (olympic lifting), 170,210 kg, junior 5. CMS, 290-170-300 kg, equipped, junior video by Dmitry Spiridonov видео: Дмитрий Спиридонов г...руппа вконтакте “Смотри и качайся“
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