“Time We Left (This World Today)“ is a song in four movements, the first being a chanted Call and response bemoaning the direction society was heading in the same vein Brock was exploring with “We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago“ and “Psychedelic Warlords“. The second movement is an instrumental dissonance passage leading into the third movement featuring a powerful bass guitar and lead guitar interchange, eventually returning to the first movement. It appeared in the Space Ritual set with “Paranoia“ replacing the middle section, and also made an appearance during 1989-91 with “Heads“ as the middle section, as can be heard on Palace Springs.
Time we left this world today
Time we left this world today
Time we left this world today
Time we left this world today
Time we left this world today
Time we left this world today
Time we left this world today
Time we left this world today
So many people seem to say
So many people se