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Here is the complete list of games:
1972 Pong
1980 Pac-Man
1984: Tetris - Theme
1985 Super Mario Bros.
1986 The Legend of Zelda
1989- Prince of Persia
1991: Sonic the Hedgehog
1992 Mega Man 2
1992 - Street Fighter 2
1992: Mortal Kombat
1992- Kirby’s Dream Land
1996: Pokemón
1996 - Crash Bandicoot
1997 Goldeneye: 007
1998: Ocarina of Time: Zelda’s Theme
1998-Metal Gear Solid
1999- Super Smash Bros
2000 Diablo 2
2001 Final Fantasy X
2001 Halo
2002- Battlefield 1942
2002- Kingdom Hearts 2
2004 World of Warcraft
2004: GTA - GTA San Andreas
2005- Shadow of the Colossus
2007 Uncharted
2007 - Team Fortress 2
2009: Plants vs Zombies - Brainac Maniac
2009- Assassin’a Creed 2
2009- Minecraft
2009- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
2011 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
2011- Dark Souls- Gwyn
2013: The Last of Us
2013- Assassin’s Creed Black Flag
2013- Papers, Please
2015- Witcher 3
2016: Overwatch
2017 PUBG
2017: Fortnite
2018- God of War
2018- Detroit: Become Human