Diluc finally forgives Kaeya - but its the bad ending || A Genshin Impact Animatic

WARNING: THERE ARE DEPICTIONS OF BLOOD/DEATH IN THIS VIDEO SO DON’T WATCH IF YOU’RE SENSITIVE TO THOSE the back of an abyss herald is the hardest thing i have ever drawn jdskfjasjfhsoj i just wanna say that this is NOT me shipping kaeya and diluc and i don’t want it to be interpreted as such! thank you -w- at this point i have drawn these two brothers so many goddamn times i will probably never draw them again. well ok that’s stretching it a bit i love them too much to do that, but at the very least I probably won’t make an animatic about them again for a long long long while you know, this could have been so much better but instead i rushed it and was too lazy to fix a lot of stuff. also school has started again so probably don’t expect to see anything from me for the next 8602130 years /hj ok I’m rambling at this point so here’s some credits music: “Experience“ by Ludovico Einaudi characters are from Genshin Impact an
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