Richard Harris in “Triumphs of a Man Called Horse“ (1983)

I produced this for Sandy Howard. After meeting Sandy on VICE SQUAD, I offered to work for him for free, if he would let me train at his desk. He accepted my offer. I will always think of Sandy as my second, adopted, father. After teaching me how to produce he sent me to Mexico with Derek Gibson to make this movie. The day after the director arrived on location, I was carrying Derek to a hospital. He had a bleeding ulcer. I actually saw doctors drill his stomach with a hand drill. I was on my own in Mexico, producing for the first time. Richard Harris reprises his role as the titular character, starring Michael Beck, (THE WARRIORS, XANADU). Ana De Sade had a small part in “The Return of a Man Called Horse “(1976) and is the feisty female half of the avenging pair. Buck Taylor plays an Indian-hating sergeant in one of the many supporting roles he’d land in Westerns following his eight-year run as gunsmith Newly O’Brien on “Gunsmoke” (1955-1975). Now in his 60s, aging Englishman John Mor
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